Serverless On Your Own Terms

OpenFaaS is an open source framework that allows you to run containerized functions on Kubernetes or Docker Swarm.

10 min readDec 21, 2023
lambdas running on K8s?
Serverless on your own terms

Serverless computing has emerged as a way to build and run applications without having to manage infrastructure. With serverless, the cloud provider manages the servers for you. This allows developers to deploy event-driven functions without worrying about servers.

The key benefit of serverless is automatic scaling. The cloud provider dynamically allocates resources as needed when functions are triggered. This means you only pay for compute time used, rather than overprovisioning idle servers. There is no need to manage capacity or scale infrastructure manually.

Serverless functions are stateless, event-driven snippets of code that run in ephemeral containers. The functions can be triggered by events like HTTP requests, database changes, queues, schedules, etc. The cloud provider handles provisioning containers to run the function when an event occurs. Containers are disposed of after the function finishes execution.

By eliminating the need to manage servers, serverless enables developers to focus on writing code. It is a natural fit for event-driven applications and microservices architectures. Companies like Netflix, Expedia and…




DevOps Lead @evinova, former Dynatrace Solutions Engineer. Cheerleader in Chief for KMMX, Technical Writer & International Speaker, Dad & 2 cats.